Choosing the Best Trail Camera for Your Next Hunting Trip
Deer hunting is my favorite activity. But just like fishing, bike riding, or playing beach soccer, deer hunting its gears, tools, and gadgets. Without these tools, you won’ have the best deer hunting experience. One of the tools that a deer hunter must have is a trail camera.
What’s a Trail Camera?
A trail camera is just another type of optic device/ camera. It helps the hunter to track their game by relaying real time visuals. They are great surveillance gadgets have been used for several hunting sprees too.
What is The Best Trail Camera?
Choosing the best trail camera can be quite challenging. With the many brands that are flocking the market today, making a choice can be quite tricky. Nonetheless, when looking for the best trail camera, there are a number of things that you should look at.
Type of Image
The quality of the image that your trail camera gives is very important. You need to be able to make out which animal you are seeing. Without proper visuals, you could hunt down the wrong animal. Such mistakes can lead to jail terms in some countries, fines, and other additional sentences too.
The way a trail camera transmits its images is very important. Does it transmit with Wi-Fi or using a cellular mode? How far are they able to transmit these images? A Wi-Fi model will have a limited transmission range. However, a camera that uses cellular mode will have a limitless transmission range.
Power Source
The power source is another vital consideration. How does your trail camera power up? The best trail camera should power up using a button or simple on and off switch. More importantly, it should also use solar power and rechargeable battery power for the lower models.
The price is also a very important consideration when looking for the best trail camera. If you have a camera that meets your budget and which also meets your needs then you have the best camera.
Capture Time
The best trail cameras should also have top of the range capture time. Capture time is simple the time difference from when the motion is detected and when the image is relayed. A shorter trigger time is what you need. About 0.2 seconds is what you need and is the best reaction time too.
Distance/ Range
The range finding ability of the camera is also very important. Most top rated trail finders have a detection range of about 100 feet. Some have more. Nonetheless, a good option should be able to hit at least sixty feet.
Infrared Flash
The type of flash that your trail camera gives also plays a very key role here. High quality cameras have white flash or infrared flash. White flash is for colored images. Infrared flash on the other hand gives no flash at all.
Another thing that I have learned about the best trail cameras is their ability to camouflage. This functionality prevents the camera from scaring the animal away. Well, white flash cameras often have a red glow that might attract attention of animals and passers-by. However, infrared has no glow at all.
Additional Tips
When looking for the best trail camera, it doesn’t end in what we have said above. There are some other additional factors that you should keep in mind.
First, you must confirm that camera has a storage mechanism. Most trail cameras will use an SD Card. The SD Card that you choose should have the best capacity. The recent cameras also have internal storage spaces.
Next, you must also confirm if your camera has a mounting mechanism. It is important that you mount your camera in such a way that you can easily get the best images. The mounting should secure the camera well.
So what is the best trail camera? The best trail camera in reality is a camera that fits your hunting needs. If the camera serves you well and give you the best images all-round the clock then you can go for it. Nonetheless, it should also ensure that it meets your budget need. Don’t overspend and don’t underspend. Instead, go for the best camera that you can afford.