How I Prepared An Ideal Room For My Aging Dad

07/12/2014 16:27

Have you ever had a senior to live with your family at any time? Well I have and it worked well for me I had to stay with my aging dad for close to four years before finding an ideal retirement home facility for him. But first I had to make a few adjustments to make him fit in. Usually you will need to ensure that whoever you choose to have has an ideal place to stay in. Whether it is the guestroom, an extra bedroom, and even if you have to create an extra space you will have to ensure that they have their boundaries set. However my house had a few extra rooms so I only picked one and changed it into an ideal set up for my dad.



Yet setting up a room for my dad was not easy as I didn’t have fast hand knowledge on how to prepare an ideal room for a senior. Yet with time different pieces started to fall in place, and with recommendations from other loved ones and right care providers I finally had an ideal room in place.

Amongst the things that I had to look into were the following. Firstly I had to ensure that only the things which belonged to my dad were in that room. This would in time prove worthwhile as my dad would have his ultimate privacy in place. So from clothes to bathing sponges everything that was kept in the room belonged to my dad.


With this in place I had to call in a professional to redo the electrical wiring of the room as I found electrical gadgets such as extension cords prone to giving my dad frequent falls, while the switches had to be redone to ensure that they would be easily accessible to my dad. Multiple switching points were established and others were kept close to the bed.


The other things that were drawn out of the room included slipper mats and even the locks had to be replaced to fit the standards of a seniors living. And with a little help from a friend who worked with retirement residences Ottawa we created a great support for the toilet, and a bath tab with a sitting stool for my dad in his bathroom.                    


With my dad’s privacy in place and the room set in a senior’s standard coping up became easy for him. We even found a home care provider to supplement his time.